Monday, April 29, 2013

How the Time Flies

Part 1 - 29.04.13
            This morning I started my day, stomach full of pancakes and mango, walking up a hill (huffing slightly), smiling. “¡Buenos días!” I’d been waiting 10 weeks to say that again. Once again, we have moved back to Magdalena Milpas Altas, which means that, once again, it is culturally acceptable – and encouraged – to greet everyone in passing. It’s something totally unique to pueblo culture and I love it.
            So yes, we’ve moved back to Magdalena. But what happened in the last several weeks? Bastante. I’ve done some traveling, finished classes, encountered some more incredible people, and started once again working at Hermano Pedro. However, to me it would make more sense to describe it all Star Wars style. For those of you less nerdy folks, I’m going to start farther toward the beginning, sequentially, and work my way back.
            Yesterday, after a six-hour bus ride back from Río Dulce (more to come about that in later blogs), we finished up our packing. After hugging our host mom goodbye, taking a final picture of the palomias (insectos tan feos) sharing my bed, and trying to shove ridiculously full suit-cases into the van, we made our way up the winding curves from Antigua to Magdalena. It was definitely a bitter/sweet moment – I’ve enjoyed the freedom and access and comfort we’ve had in Antigua, but I’ve been looking forward to being part of the family again. Throughout the whole ride, I could feel my stomach churning. It was more than just the pizza eaten hours before. I was nervous. I couldn’t tell you why because as soon as we arrived in the home, I instantly felt relief.
Myself, Doña Patrícia (our Antigua host-mom), and Anna

            Estella and Lizbeth (my same host-mom and sister we stayed with before) met us at el cruz – the cross centered next to the pillas at the heart of Magdalena. From here we rolled down and then up, ending in our same room. After a brief conversation with the family – hoping my improvement in español was made evident – and listening to our dad give the same sentiments about being welcomed into the family, Anna and I unpacked and prepared our things for the next three weeks.
            The next morning I woke up early, read my Bible, and got ready. I was amazed how easy it was to fall back into a routine. At 7:30 we made our way to breakfast and talked with our host-mom. From there, we walked down and then up to Mario’s house – the pastor who has given us the use of his roof. Here we held worship with the other people in the group and the Students International staff, singing a couple of songs and drinking our coffee.
            On the way out we grabbed our packed lunches and everybody went off to their sites. Today was a lucky day because we were able to get a ride to Antigua and only had to take the bus one time. A little less interesting, but definitely more comfortable.

            Finally arriving at Hermano Pedro, it was an incredible day. I simply cannot believe the joy the residents there have given me. I can’t escape the cheesy way of saying it, but they’ve given me so much. For the morning we wandered around the school session – where the residents have various projects – and talked with several of the patients. In so many ways I felt honored. People remembered me, shared their stories with me, drew pictures with me, made jokes with me. The love that some of the people at Hermano Pedro have taught me has put so many of my previous experiences and actions to shame.
Nineth, Amanda, Myself, and Anita - my incredible group mates!

            After eating our lunch in the office (we stopped to by 10 cent avocados to add to our sandwiches – no big deal), we went back for a little over an hour to spend some time with the ladies, painting nails and talking. With a little extra time we made a run to one of the many miraculous panaderias (like a bakery, but better) for milojas – one of the tastiest treats ever.
            We then waited for the bus and walked up the hill from the bus stop to where we live higher up in Magda. After a delicious dinner with our family, Anna and I studied a little for our test on Thursday, watched some Mentalist, and are now in the process of going to bed.
            Mientras escribir esto, mi corazón es tan lleno. I am content and feel wonderfully filled. I feel so blessed to be in such a place and cannot wait to see what the next three weeks brings me.
The fountain from Central Park in Antigua
Part Two coming soon!